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Trivia Night with Steve bar open at 5pm, trivia at 6:30
About this event
Bring a snack to share, teams of 5 or more starting at 6:30
The theme this month will be "Tiny Trivia". Categories are related to small/little/tiny things.
Topics will include:
Body parts: Tiny parts of the human body.
Small town murders: The continuation of "Murder, Murder, and More Murder" category, but with a "tiny" twist.
Small places in Europe: Small countries and one well-known region in Europe. Not crazy hard, but maybe look at a map of Europe. There are some tiny countries you may not have heard of before.
Three-letter words: I give you a set of 20 clues. Your team needs to write down all the three-letter answers in seven minutes or less. Bonus points for getting them all correct.
Disney's "Little Mermaid": Trivia about the original movie from 1989.
Little Things part 1: The answer has the word "Little" in it.
Name that musical interlude: I play a sample of a well-known musical interlude (no lyrics), your team writes down the song title and the artist.
Little Things part 2: More trivia where the answer has the word "Little" in it.
Event Contact(s)
Janet Coppolino
Registration Info
Registration is not Required